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I've lurked long Bcc

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Posted by kw53 on May 06, 2003 at 15:04:05:

I had a lot of boas as a kid, in the '60's (That's the nineteeeeeen sixties--you know, last century..), but of the hundreds I saw, nothing compared to what's available these days, and c b at that. It was finally too much, and I just had to get back into Bcc. I like the clean look of the Florida Redtail types, but I'm more drawn to a bit of speckling (I like Dalmatians, too), and one day, I surfed across a pic of the sire of a litter of suris at Basically Boas. That male is something else--rich colors, full of ghosts and little swirls, like an exotic tapestry. I bought a pair of babies born 9/20/02, and they are just now coloring up, so here goes.

This is the male. He's turning into a beautiful dark buckskin color with lots of interesting speckling.

This is his sister. She's a lovely Mourning Dove pink which is becoming a beautiful soft rose all over her body. She's my current favorite. By the way, Mike and Stephanie at Basically Boas have bred the same two adults this season, and if they get babies, I'd say that anyone wanting top quality suris and great service ought to look them over.

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