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Ohhh man .. sorry for your loss ..(more)

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Posted by genaroleon on May 06, 2003 at 07:59:59:

In Reply to: Andrew and anyone else... (Beware, Disturbing PIC) posted by KelliH on May 06, 2003 at 00:12:54:

I have owned snakes for years now, but have never bred any of them. Im thinking I may try this season, but am still not sure If im going to do so. I could only immagine how you felt when you were taking those pictures. Do you have any clue as to why that happened? Im sure you took notes so next time around you can maby do somethign a little different ... good luck

:For anyone else reading, we bred boa constrictor imperator for the first time this year, our het albino female dropped 27 slugs and one dead albino baby, our anerythristic female gave birth prematurely just a few days later and gave birth to 20 babies that were dead at birth or soon thereafter. I'm sure some of you have experienced this in the past and for those of you who haven't, I'm certain you can imagine how devastating it is to raise these animals from babies to adults, breed them and then after the long wait for the females to give birth: this.



:I could not wait to walk in the snake room and see little baby boas tongue flicking and checking out their new world. I was just waiting for that day when I could call Steve at work and say, "You have to come home now, we have baby boas!". It was bad dealing with the slugs but all those dead and dying preemies was absolutely heartbreaking. I had almost gotten over it and then saw this post and it upset me all over again.

:To Andrew: Thanks man, that's what friends are for huh? To make us feel good about our accomplishments, to give us support when we are hurting. It's all good though, at least this tells me a lot about your true character.

:Anyway, it was our first year to get anything out of our Bci, and we will certainly try again next year. Thanks for listening :-)

:Kelli Hammack

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