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Posted by wetceal on May 06, 2003 at 00:00:57:

In Reply to: Leopard Granite Twin-Spotted Speckly Odd little things... posted by wetceal on May 05, 2003 at 23:31:33:

...sorry guys...They are for sale but I didn't want to mention that in the post because I don't want to appear as if I am trying to sell these guys here in the forums. Someone had requested I post photos of them after they shed so I just wanted to do that here.

However, with that being said, these guys are Colombian Rainbow Boas and they are posted in the Boa Classified section here on Kingsnake. You can go look up the ad over there. I'll copy the information on them in the ad here...

These babies were produced by us this year from one of our female Patternless Colombian Rainbow Boas bred to a male normal Colombian Rainbow Boa. The female has produced for us for the past few years. The first time she bred we got a couple of patternless babies. The following year, she produced 50% normals and 50% patternless. Last year, she produced all patternless and now this year, THESE GUYS!

We don't know what's up with the genetics on our patternless project. We thought that the patternless was some sort of co-dominant gene but now it doesn't appear to be that way. The female was kept under the same conditions while she was gravid this year as in the past years so we do not believe the odd patterns on these babies are the result of temperature fluctuations (although we aren't 100% certain on this).

If you look at these babies, you will see that all of them have the spotting within the dorsal patterns although the degree of spotting varies. Also, some of them have some "calico" patterning on their necks while others have an almost stripe pattern going on. All of the babies have much more speckling on the sides of their body than we have ever seen on baby Colombian Rainbow Boas and the crescents are very much diminished. We aren't quite sure exactly what these guys are or what's going on with their genetics, but whatever they are, they're quite unique and different!


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