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I don't think so...

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Posted by Kevin Saunders on May 05, 2003 at 16:18:27:

In Reply to: Hybrids---hate 'em posted by D.S. on May 05, 2003 at 15:49:25:

: Those who are cross breeding do not want a rational debate. They would like this subject to just go away and for everyone to hide their heads in the sand. They hate to see the subject brought up here on kingsnake. Why do you think that is???

I don't personally breed any boa crosses, but I have absolutely no ill feelings toward those that do. I don't think hybridizers dislike arguing about this for the umpteenth time any more than purists. If the crossbreeders hate seeing it brought up and want it to just go away, why do they always argue their points when it is brought up? The whole pollution of pure bloodlines without a buyer's knowledge is a good argument on paper, but for all the times it's brought up I have yet to hear of anyone it has actually happened to. I'm not saying it couldn't but it most definately is not common. Anyway, I don't think that's a fair generalization, but I'm not the moderator and I don't have any experience with crosses or breeders of them so these are just my worthless opinions.

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