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Kinda scary, guess I was right about the place I got Sid...

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Posted by -ryan- on May 13, 2003 at 17:13:22:

I have always thought that the place was really cramped, but I never really looked at it. The place is called Reptile Showcase, and I have just started noticing all that is wrong with the husbandry of the animals. Here's what I found yesterday while looking at pics, which kind of got me worried...

and all of the other reptiles that person owns that he got from other places are all in good health.

I think the guy that owns the store loves reptiles, but I think the problem is that he is still using practices from the 70's (mixing species a lot, using smaller caging). But, if you are going to keep reptiles, you have to stay with the times. It's not like owning a dog, where things have barely changed in many years. We are always finding out more about reptiles.

I guess I'll start going to some of the other places around here when I need things for Sidney, and if (when, I hope) I get another reptile, I'm not getting it from there.


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