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Well, guess reptiles are addicting....

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Posted by -ryan- on May 12, 2003 at 21:17:12:

Now I want a snake really badly too. This is going to be much harder to convinve my parents though than the bearded dragon (who are normally cute and friendly). I see snakes as being cute, but I don't think my mom or dad really do. I would like a corn snake or kingsnake, maybe a ball python, but like I said, it is going to take a lot to try to convince my parents that snakes are good pets. I'll work on it and see what happens. I am going to take my mom to this nice petstore when I go to get crickets and show here some of the snakes. They have a nice selection of colubrids there, and some nice baby ball pythons. If I end up getting either of them, I will have to devise a fool-proof top restraint system so it definately cant get out. And I'll probably want to secure the beardie cage a little bit too (it would be a longshot, but it would truely suck if I got a ball python, and it escaped, and then went a step further and stumbled upon my prized beardie Sidney).

Well, it's late, I better get to bed.


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