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Posted by Tracey on May 11, 2003 at 17:12:34:

In Reply to: ? posted by LindsayMarie on May 11, 2003 at 16:55:32:

If you email him, he'll give you more indepth info than is on the site. We didn't take you wrong, it was the other statement made by Aztec that got a rise from us. We just wanted you to have more info and where to get even more so you can make your own informed decision. I got info from Val and then did my own checking before using the products....I didn't know Val when I started with the products, I have since got to know him and am also selling his products because I believe in their value. You are right to check things out before trying something that could hurt your reptiles, I always do. We just wanted you not close your mind based on one persons heavy opinion when he doesn't even know about the products. I hope he contacts Val too....I realize there are alot of scams and fakes out there, but before calling it that one needs to find out if it is.

:Does he offer more information then what is available on the parazap and absolute calcium sites?

:I am sorry if people took me wrong. I was not saying his products are bad or that he is a liar! I have never used his products, because to be honest I find it hard to buy something that doesnt list ingredients and has minimal information. But just because I havent used it doesnt meant I think it doesnt work or that I wont try it in the future. I am just one of those people that needs more then one or two sentences of advertising statements. Like you suggested, I will probably contact Val so maybe he can give me a little more info about both products.

:I am only looking out for the health and well being of my animals. If I didnt ask questions that would make me a bad parent. Were all here to learn and better the care of our bearded babies. I am sorry you felt I was flamming your friend, but it wasnt like that. At least not on my part. About the only thing I can think of that could have been taken wrong was that I felt the statement about other calcium supplements not being used by the reptile merely just passing through. To me it was like saying only his product works and everyone using anything else is making a wrong decision. Maybe I just took the ad and site wrong? Either way.... I am sorry you all had to go on defense. I am also sorry I refered to that statement as BS. I didnt mean his product or he was!

:Sorry for the confusion. LindsayMarie


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