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Stunted growth? (kinda long, sorry)

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Posted by ArtsyKitten on May 10, 2003 at 21:12:31:

I have a question about my male beardie. I THINK his growth might have possibly been's the story-

a pet shop by my house got in a really pretty, very light colored little baby beardie. this was around the time i was just playing with the idea of getting myself one. But he was real cool, real nice light yellow color, andi really liked him. so i decided if i did get one, i wanted it to be the color he was, nice and light and yellow.

it had to have been about a good month or 2 later when i decided i wanted one for sure, and i got all the stuff and setup the cage and had the temps all right to get a baby beardie. since i worked at a different pet store at the time, i just had my manager order me one, since it would cost less. when they came in, i picked out a little one, she was just a normal phase, but cute nonetheless. I had her for about 4 months when she started developing a nasty lump on her side. (we ordered the dragons from Flukers....dont know if that has anything to do with the lump, but you never know.) i took her to the vet, they removed the lump, but im guessing she was so stressed out over the surgery she passed away the day after they removed the bandages over the stitches =(

i decided to get a new beardie, so i went up to that first pet store, and they still had the yellow beardie. i know it was the same one because i go to that pet shop all the time, and they had the same 2 dragons in there every time i went. he got bigger, but not too much bigger. in fact he was a little smaller than my girl that just died. he was kept in a 10-15 gallon, or so it looked like, which was kind of cramped for the two dragons in there. and the other beardie in there was quite a bit bigger than him. but they were both very healthy, they had the right UVB and temps, kept on newspaper, fed lots of greens, etc. so i decided to take that yellow one ive had my eye on home.

Pharoah is now (i'm guessing) about a year old, and he looks smaller than other adult beardies ive seen. he is about 17-18 inches long, and i know thats an average length, but i dont know...his body just doesnt seem as large as other adult beardies ive seen. is it possible his growth was stunted from the pet shop? because when i bought him he was at least a few months older than my one that died, yet he was smaller. i dunno, it was just something that crossed my mind, because other adult dragons i see are all bigger than he is! lol. if so, is there anything i can do to help him grow? =) Thanks for any info, and i hope i dont sound stupid, lol...


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