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Please help. My female has lost her mind.

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Posted by Irondog on May 10, 2003 at 10:41:53:

I'm worried.

My female is 10 months old. For five days now my female refuses to eat. All she does is dig. She stays in the hottest part of the tank and digs furiously all day. She digs right down to the glass, and then keeps trying to dig through the glass.

This worries me for a few reasons:
She gets all her moisture from food. She doesn't drink water I drip on her head. So she hasn't had food or moisture for almost a week. At the same time she's actively digging all day in the hottest part of the tank. I'm worried she's dehydrated.

I have a heater under the glass on that side of the tank. Like I said, she digs right down to the glass and keeps digging. So she's basically right on top of the heater. She doesn't seem to mind at all, and she could go to the cool end of the tank anytime she wants, but I still worry that she's overheating. The heater isn't hot enough to burn her, but when I pick her up and put her on my shoulder, I can feel her hot little tummy through my shirt.

I use play sand as a substrate. Normally this is fine. But with her digging all day, it kicks up dust in the tank. She's breathing this dust all day. I don't know how she can stand it.

What should I do?

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