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Yes, I use them - they are the BOMB!!!

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Posted by veronicag on May 08, 2003 at 18:41:02:

In Reply to: ZooMed PowerSUN UV Hmm.. posted by jtatarin on May 08, 2003 at 18:37:11:

I highly recommend them. When I switched from the Reptisun 5.0 tube to the Powersun bulb I was amazed at the increase in coloring and increase in appetites with my beardies!!!

The 100 watt flood bulb is probably what you want to buy. Unless you have a HUGE cage, like 75 gallons or bigger, then you would need the 160 watt flood. Don't buy the spot bulbs, they are for distances that are greater than 3 feet away! They get hot! I still need an additional heat bulb with the Zoomed Powersun during the winter, but in the summer all I use is the Zoomeds.

:I know that bearded dragons need a basking spot light and a flourescent bulb (Reptisun 5.0). Which sorta sucks is that you need 2 bulbs and 2 fixtures which is sorta costly. Well anyways I have been looking around and I have found a bulb called PowerSun UV by ZooMed. I am a total newbie but will this buld act as both a heat light AND a UV bulb. From what it sounds like at their site... it gives off UV light and emites heat AND you can out it in a normal reflector fixture..

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