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how large?

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Posted by -ryan- on May 08, 2003 at 15:26:04:

In Reply to: how large? posted by rowad on May 08, 2003 at 05:55:44:

I reccomend at least a 75 gallon tank (48" long x 18" deep x 20" tall) for one adult. A custom enclosure of 4'x2'x2' is much better though. You can use a 40 gallon breeder or other tank with a 36"x18" floor, but I would not reccomend it for a dragon that is over 18". I have one right now for my sid, but he is only 16" right now, so it's just almost too small for him. When I get the money (or when Christmas comes around, since I am just a kid), I want to get him this custom enclosure. They are sold by this reptile breeder near here, and they are beautiful. I think he makes them with his brother or something, but all I know is that they are fantastic cages. They have vents in the back, and hinged, framed glass doors instead of sliding ones. Also, instead of just being flat on the outside, they are more like nice furniture. I think most of them are unfinished (meaning not painted or anything on the outside), and they look great that way. I used to have one back when I had my snake, but we had to sell him back to the breeder because he was too aggressive (to the point where we couldn't get him out of the cage, he would zoom around so we couldn't get him, and then hiss and stuff which would always scare my mom).

So anyways, that will be a 4'x2'x2' enclosure. I used to think that it would be best for me to get the minimum sized enclosure (the 40 gallon) because I thought I would have him out all day, but then with my busy schedule, I only have about 45 minutes per day to spend letting him run around, feeding him, and cleaning his cage, and also petting him and letting him crawl all over me.

So basically, I am trying to say that bigger is always better.


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