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I don't think my beardie dragon likes anything...

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Posted by LdyPayne on May 07, 2003 at 19:40:49:

In Reply to: I don't think my beardie dragon likes anything... posted by dragonlady01 on May 07, 2003 at 17:18:11:

My guy is about the same age, 5 1/2 months. He doens't like being picked up too much, tends to run, gape, hiss and bite when I pick him up. Once in my hand I have to hold firmly to make sure he doens't jump out till I sit down. He typicaly calms down after a few minutes but is still a bit leary of me. I talk to him alot while he basks in his tank, that seems to work better. He looks at me as I talk instead of hissing and gaping. I also slowly put my hand into the cage and leave it there for a few seconds them move it out again..this way he doesn't feel the "HAND" is always out to get him.

I have hand fed him a few things, worms, crickets and greens (though he rarely takes the greens). He doens't seem to like any fruit I tried to give him so I gave up on that. Nor does he like any 'toppings' on his greens so I don't do that either..just provide mixed greens and dusted crickets every other day (non dusted crickets twice a day and greens twice a day as well).

Getting in some silkworms this week so will try those as a treat and see how that goes. He didn't seem to go very crazy for dandelion flowers though he did eat the little piece I dropped in his bowl. Going to try hispiscus once I get a chance to pluck a blossom from my mother's big hispiscus plant (the flowers on this thing are huge, as big as my fist...probably feed my dragon for a week LOL).

Try talking gently to your beardie while he is in his cage to accustom him to your voice and well, you. And as others mentioned, be patient and take it one step at a time.

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