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I don't think my beardie dragon likes anything...

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Posted by mattman on May 07, 2003 at 09:05:51:

In Reply to: I don't think my beardie dragon likes anything... posted by ZackD. on May 07, 2003 at 00:58:41:

Zack you think you might be taking on to much to fast. I know that getting a new pet is so exciting you want to hold it, feed it, and always watching them. The little guy might be stressed from being in a different set-up, and handled. Most likely at the pet store he wasn't getting a quater of the attention he is getting now from you. I would just give him some time to get used to his surroundings and the feeding schedule, and you'll see he'll calm down and be more likely to try new things. It is real good that you are studying the species and learning how to care for them and there likes and dislikes. But I feel that trying all these new things in such a short time could be scary for him. I would back off for a little bit and don't expect so much so fast. Get your self into a routine of feeding him at a certain time everyday, and keep handleing to a minnimum. Give him time to get used to the schedule then in a week or two try holding him for a little each day. As he realizes you are not going to hurt him try offering something new. He will be more likely to try it now that he is certain you won't let him get hurt. Hope this helps Zach.

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