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Posted by WebJoel on May 06, 2003 at 13:34:45:

In Reply to: SUBSTRATE ONCE AND FOR ALL! posted by TheNakedCowboy1 on May 06, 2003 at 00:50:58:

I no longer keep reptiles, but for over 10 years I did and I resisted the 'wash playsand' thing for years. -Until I tried it. If kept slightly dampened so as to keep the dust down and make it 'diggable', it worked excellently with never a problem.

Another option for a 'pretty' display, is what is called 'pool carpet'. It is like a welcome matt, usually bright green or blue, or combinations thereof. You can get it an any K-Mart store. Generally, it is cut into 'welcome matt' size with stiched edging, but they also sell it in a roll-form that you can custom-size.
Using waxed dental floss and a carpet-needle, you can lap-stich any edges coursely and tightly to prevnt fraying, and the reptile's desire to attempt to ingest any loose 'strings' or fabric.
Being that this material is mostly a fabric-plastic type material, it will not rot and it resiste harbouring bacteria. You can removed the carpet often and using a garden hose or shower-attachment, spray off any soil. You can liberally soap and bleach the material in a bath-tub to clean and allow to dry. Or better still, -retain two or more carpets of the proper size and whilst one is out for cleaning/drying, you can replace with a clean carpet!

It looks nice, very brilliant and the reptile seems to enjoy the 'fluffy' surfaces. And their toenails will not snag in it as it can do with 'commercially available' reptile bedding carpet.

Enjoy your pet! :-) You are about to enter a fun hobby and endeavor! :-)


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