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My dragon must be laid back....

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Posted by -ryan- on May 05, 2003 at 20:00:58:

In Reply to: New cage setups... posted by zz on May 05, 2003 at 10:47:46:

I have changed everything in his cage at least once in the 6-7 monthes that I had him. I actually switched from calcium sand to rabbit pellets in the first week, then to repti-sand the next week, and then later on I decided to go with carpet. Now I have him on paper towels until his poo get's better (he has had coccidia, and it's really hard to keep it clean). I have also changed his old basking log and other log to just one big log, and I have changed his food bowl. Not to mention lights (i went from red to white colored lights). Through all of it he was fine. Really laid back about it. He just explored a lot more whenever I did it. When i first put in the new log (which gets about 3 inches from the screen top at one point) he would kind of look up, the latch onto the screen with his claws, wait there, and then fall to the floor of the cage. Luckily it's only a 16 or 18" tall cage, so he didn't get hurt. Right now I am just having a problem with his heating stuff.


:Beardies grow very accustomed to thier surrounding. When you change it, you put them through stress (not life threatening, but stress nonetheless). What your beardie does is normal. It takes my little diva about a week to act normal again. I just recently changed his beddding (finally went to wheat bran). He didn't want to touch it. He even slept on his basking log so he wouldn't touch it. He did this for about a week. Yours will get used to it to.

::Do any of your beardies act strange when you rearange there stuff after you clean there cage?

::Well I recently changed his setup, proped the rock on the side so he would have a place to hide, put the heating lamp over the piece of slate I have in there because I figured it absored heat for his belly better then the branch I used to have in there.

::Well anyway I put him in there, under his lamp so he would know "this is your new basking spot" He look around, started pacing in front of his glass, ran around licked EVERYTHING in the cage, sat on the branch that was his old basking spot, probibly wondering why he wasent geting warm, ran around, licked some more stuff, then started trying to scale the walls of his cage. Well I decided to take him out, will he eventually warm up to the new setup? Or should I restore it to its old arangment?


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