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mealworms for new baby?

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Posted by Buglady on May 04, 2003 at 12:29:03:

In Reply to: mealworms for new baby? posted by ZEB70 on May 03, 2003 at 19:25:46:

I have actually had good results feeding 1/4" mealworms to my hatchling beardies. In fact, my babies' first food is often mealworms. Before you get excited, I must tell you that I am always very mindful about giving hatchlings the appropriate sized foods, and the extra-small mealworms have to be special-ordered. I simply find them easier for the beardies to manage than crickets in the very beginning.

It was frustrating when the little crickets would hide before the beardies could eat them, only to reappear at night, crawling all over the place. I offer the tiny mealworms from a wide, shallow dish or jar-lid, where their wiggling attracts even day-old baby beardies, who eat them eagerly.

After a gew days of eating the mealworms, the babies are already growing bigger and stronger, and are better able to chase down the crickets. Another plus: in about a week, these eager babies are learning to associate their feeding dish itself with food, so when I place it in the cage, they come running to eat! Next, I can put finely shredded greens and veggies in the dish, and they all come to check it out (and eat it).

I haven't really had trouble with beardies becoming addicted to the mealworms. When their cage temp. is warm enough, their little metabolisms are up and running, and they will eat just about anything. By the time my babies are about 2 weeks old, the mini mealworms are just a part of their balanced diet, which includes crickets, greens/veggies, and even juvi-size Rep-Cal pellets. I feel satisfied that I am giving them a good start in life.

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