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first timer has a question

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Posted by falias on May 03, 2003 at 20:47:56:

In Reply to: first timer has a question posted by Tatoe on May 03, 2003 at 16:58:23:

I am sure everyone here loves them because this is the bearded dragon forum. They are great lizards. They are normally very calm and can even enjoy attention and being petted. If you get 2 you have to get 2 females. If you get 2 males they will fight when they get to breeding age. If you get a male and a female then they will breed, and the requirements for caring for eggs and babies are very expensive. It is also a FULL TIME job. So 2 female are your best bet. Make sure you but a book on dragons and read the whole thing BEFORE you buy them. Their setup must be at least a 50 gallon tank. You MUST have a UVA/UVB light bulb. Do not let the store person tell you a UVA only light will work. Without UVB your dragon will not be able to absorb calcium no matter how much you feed it. You will find it dragging its back legs around. The light needs to be more then 12 inches off the basking spot because UV rays can not travel very far. You will need to expect to feed about 20 crickets a day per dragon. Never feed a dragon any food that is bigger then the space between its eyes! You will need to get mustard or collard greens from the store every few days because they don't keep very long in the fridge. They need greens every day. Their crickets need to be covered in calcium powder.

Dragons are however one of the easiest reptiles to care for. Calcium, UVA/UVB light, spray bottle of water, crickets, greens, 50 gal, tank...these are the main requirements.

These lizards are great though!! They have SO much personality. They will eat crickets out of your fingers and ride around on your shoulder. You can get all kinds of great colors...there is a color for everyone these days. Do not get one from a pet store though, they are often of bad quality and not properly cared for...go to the classifieds part of this site.

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