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I'm really surprised..

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Posted by guanababy on May 02, 2003 at 22:36:00:

In Reply to: I'm really surprised.. posted by Puterfused on May 02, 2003 at 18:21:33:

:I didn't realize having 2 males together was so uncommon. So either I keep them seperate if i get a second one or I go with a female? Maybe the people at the vet's were wrong when they sexed them? The remaining BD is the more submissive of the 2 I had. I'll try to get a digital pix of the beardie left to make sure he's really a boy. You guys seem pretty good at sexing them here via pix, maybe someone will say he is a she :-)


::That you were able to keep two males together, even growing up together. You may have had a 1 in a million situation there and be very leary of it working out again. Normally there's no way to keep two males together unless it is in a huge enclosure. Mine go nuts if they even get a glimpse of eachother. Hmmm..wonder what secret they they had.



Its not a good idea to keep a male and a female together as the male will constantly be trying to breed the female and this will stress her out along with that you wont be able to control them breeding and having babies, female female is usually the only wat to keep more than one beardie together, I have kept males together as babies until they were about 5-6 mths old than they started trying to maul one another you got super lucky!

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