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Changing Sidney's home

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Posted by Cheris on May 02, 2003 at 20:20:17:

In Reply to: I am considering changing Sidney's home (help everyone).... posted by -ryan- on May 02, 2003 at 17:28:50:

16 inches is not a bad size for a year old, average adults are 16-19 inches, so he sounds normal there.

There are several plants that can be added to enclosures that are safe for them, but we have found they eat them or dig in the soil and ruin them fairly quick. You can check out safe ones on Plants List

I'm anti wood for beardie enclosures, if you have a problem with coccidia it is much harder to clean and control. We have found some great caves and artificial rocks that are fairly inexpense and easy to clean, one is only $6.49(large) and our bearides of all age love them, its lower/flatter than the x-large that kinda domes on the top, but I have seen those used for beardies fine also. It also is perfect for the small kiddie pool for dragons that like to swim giving them a resting/basking place outside.
Basking Cave

ALL LIVING THINGS make a stair step cave in small, med and large that is also really nice with a large flat top for basking and big enough they can climb under them and sleep, but I could not locate it on the web, I know PetSmart and Pet Land carried them and there is also a man that sells enclosures for about $1 per gallon that I have seen at shows in Florida who carries them for $15

If you really want to get creative there is a rock wall that you can build with ledges and greens. He is a link for that one and if you click to home after reading that, you will see on a live webcam a beardie tank with both caves in it with the beardie usually on one of them:
Fake Rock Wall

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