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Beautiful snake - but Tracy has one!!

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Posted by Renaissance on May 13, 2003 at 17:17:36:

In Reply to: Beautiful snake - but Tracy has one!! posted by ImportedDeath on May 13, 2003 at 16:14:32:

Dave and Tracy and other breeders have many beautiful and unusual animals in their collections. Some of these they choose to share in these forums...some are kept under wraps until they decide to reveal them. This is why we said To the best of our knowledge this is a one-of-a-kind animal.

Tracy has indicated to us that she believes there are some similarities between her Burgundy Albino and our Paragon. We have seen pictures of the Burgundy Albino; while we would certainly agree that there are some similarities in some of the underlying characteristics of these morphs, to say that they are the same thing is like saying chalk is cheese. Although both chalk and cheese share the characteristic of being somewhat crumbly, the very essence of them is completely different. Pastel Jungles and Bumblebee Spiders have some similarities...are they the same morph? Of course not.

If Tracy does indeed have a ball python that is the same as our Paragon, we would love to see it.

We were extremely happy to see the positive responses our Paragon received from the majority of participants on this forum. It saddens us to see the frequency with which people share new and exciting projects on this forum only to have certain individuals post anonymous responses that seem to have no other purpose than to try and stir things up.

You have a "ballsy" screen name...but appear to want to stay anonymous. Perhaps you would care to grow a set and let us into the secret of who you really are? My guess is that you will not.


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