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True... but

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Posted by Krystal19_85 on May 12, 2003 at 21:25:57:

In Reply to: True... but posted by sijae on May 12, 2003 at 19:32:47:

I guess I get the point, I am in no way looking for a pat on the back or anything, just wondering why the prices were so high, I still dissagree with selling WC for the same price as CB, but whatever floats there boat! LOL I guess I will go with the main price flow. I definitly don't want people to think of my snakes as "throw aways"! I still think it is wrong to care more about the money than the animals though, that was my main point, guess it kinda came out wrong, I wasn't trying to offend anyone or argue. Anyway I guess I am still glad I posted it, I learned something! That is something I plan on never stoping, I want to learn something new everyday, and I just think it is sad that some people jumped down my throat in stead of just saying what you did. I onlty wanted to sell them for low prices because I want more people to be able to have CB and to downsize the ammount of imports, I have no problem with imports, but the numbers that come in each year are rediculous! Soon wild BPs won't exist! I guess I was just trying to help, I realize that my small group of baby balls pr season isn't going to make a difference, so I guess I get what you all are saying, but some people are just rude and believe they enjoy arguing and feeling superior. I already said I am a newbie to breeding and I don't know it all, let's not argue, ya know. Sorry, just help me learn, don't make me not want to listen.

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