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Posted by BenSambrook on May 12, 2003 at 18:28:33:

Hi Guys

I have put a deposit on an 18 month old ball today (my 1st) - I am just waiting until the vivariums come in. The guy in the shop has recommended a vivarium that is about 2.5ft long (0.75metres I think) and is fairly shallow and has said that this will last for the whole of its life. I am new to this but this did seem a bit small for a snake that could grow up to 4-5 foot. He has also recommended just using a lamp instead of heat pads for providing the warmth. I asked if the snake would burn itself but he said that they will not venture that high (bear in mind that he has recommended a fairly shallow cage). I have just read a care sheet off the net and it said that pythons are very susceptible from burns off these types of lamps.

I have ordered The Ball Python Manual by P. de Vosjoli which I have been told is very good but I just wondered what your opinions would be on this stuff. The guy in the shop seemed pretty knowledgeable but I thought I ought to get more than one opinion as I am just starting out. Finally in the care sheet I read about it mentioned Inclusion Body Diesease which it said is always lethal in pythons. Is there any way of telling if a snake is affected or not (the snake I am buying is captive bred).

Thanks in advance for any help and thanks for those who helped me out before with my last post.

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