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Newbie Please Help-HEATING

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Posted by Pythagoras on May 11, 2003 at 00:29:15:

In Reply to: Newbie Please Help-HEATING posted by jtatarin on May 10, 2003 at 21:03:54:

:Hey guys I am getting my first ball python tomorrow I am soo excited! It is a hatchling just a baby and I was planning on putting him in a 10 gallon for now. Is a 10 gallon big enough for a hatchling? I don't wana cramp him and stress him out. But for now what would be my best bet for heating/ (10 gallon). I was gona use a UTH. Would that provide enough heat? 90 degrees on the warm side. I spent an hour+ today talking to the manager of my local reptile breader shop and he said that I would need a heat light and a UTH even in a 10 gallon... hmm.. Please adive is welcome :)

Congratulations!! I would think that a UTH would make enough heat too. You should find out for yourself before you take your new best friend home though. Go to the store and get everything that you need for the enclosure and set it all up ahead of time. You'll need at least a couple hours for the tank to heat up and then you can measure the temps/humidity. Once you have everything right, then go back to the store and pick up your snake!! :) You want to do this because the move from the store to your house can be very stressful for your snake. It will probably not like you very much if you make it live in a new cage that feels freezing and then scorching hot and then freezing again while you experiment with the vitals. And it will likely cause health problems. You on the other hand would prefer to make sure your snake likes you and stays healthy though right?

Have fun with your new ball!! Here's a list of stuff you MUST have for the enclosure:

-Heating source (go with the UTH) ;)
-Repti-bark is good.
-2 small cave hides
-Thermometer/Hygrometer ...go to Kmart and spend $15 on an indoor/outdoor thermometer. DO NOT get the stick on thermometers at the pet store! ...and measure the temperature of the substrate surface both directly over the UTH, and over the cool area on the opposite side of the tank.

Good Luck!!

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