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I Just Bought three Baby Balls at a Show...need help

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Posted by Sonya on May 10, 2003 at 20:34:22:

In Reply to: I Just Bought three Baby Balls at a Show...need help posted by gwright86 on May 10, 2003 at 19:39:43:

:I've got them in the small shoeboxes individually with paper towl as subsrate. I've got a water bowl they can put there whole self in in the front. I did have a hide put that cluttered it too much and i figured they'd feel secure in a small cage like that. Is this allright? Thanks a lot.

One thing I love to use is the cheap, hollow underneath dog dishes....Van Ness makes some with handle holes that make a dish and a hide all in one. Less clutter for you. I find them here for a buck or less each. When I move up to a bigger sweater box I add a bowl of water and use the top of the dog dish hide for damp moss. Since my littlest BP can fit under his hide dish...loves it...but is too big and it fits him like a big hat. I tried moving him up to a bigger one and he hated it. Silly snake.
I would let your new babies settle in for a week or two if they are CB and you know they are eating. If they are WC I would give them more time. Don't handle them, just let them chill. Then offer F/T overnight. But that is me.

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