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Posted by Randy27 on May 11, 2003 at 23:58:41:

In Reply to: A note to your lady from another posted by Slaytonp on May 11, 2003 at 23:48:16:

:::Hi my girlfriend wants to introduce tinctorius of some morph to our tank which currently holds bumble bee walking toads (Melanophryniscus stelzneri). I am trying to tell her that at least one of the groups will die, either the bumble bee toads from too high a humidity or stress or the darts from too low a humidity or stress. Could people please respond and tell her how bad an idea this is, or if I happen to be wrong tell me that i'm wrong. She keeps saying that she just wants to throw one in there. That she doesn't think it will be that bad. Please tell her.

::As much as it pains me to do so, I must support this male chauvinist pig you have so innocently been given as a companion, no doubt without your consent, by some childhood arrangement between your parents perpetrated for political, financial and dowary advantages. This is probably the first time in his entire miserable, but princely life he has been right, but in the case he has presented to this forum against throwing a tinc in with a walking toad, he has at long last some approval of the populace other than his own mother, who has no doubt spoilt him beyond recovery by any other female in the world.

:It is the one argument with him in your entire life you should lose with grace and humility, mostly because for the first, and probably the last time in your life, you happen to be dead wrong. On the other hand, never give an inch about anything else for the rest of your life.




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