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Need your wisdom about imitators

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Posted by shopaholic on May 05, 2003 at 00:01:00:

I searched the archives but I still need some more council on Thumbnails. I just acquired a pair of Tinks and took 5 months to research, learn, and put together their tanks-I wanted to be super secure on info and prepared. I would have liked to reasearch another couple of months or more til I had a prolific amount of info on Imitators, but the Frog day in San Jose is just around the corner, and I just moved heaven and earth to clear my schedule to go. What do you think, Thumbnail owners:

1. Is it premature to get any imitators with just a month of experience on Tinks?

2. Are imitators the easiest, hardiest, boldest, prolific enough of the Thumbnails?

3. Will any of the vendors present at the show likely to have any of them? And has anyone had anyone reputable to recommend? Or is still seemly most recommended?

4. How many Imitators can be kept together, what is the minimum size requirement(I know for the Tinks 10 Gal/frog)So is it the same or less per imitator frog?

I am trying to be as responsible as I can, I just hate to miss out on the opportunity of the show plus I think I'll hardly be able to keep myself from getting something at an event that will relagate me to being like a child in a candy store. So, I am asking ahead to prevent something impulsive from happening if it is very unwise or at least gather as much info in the time I have left. Know what I mean? thanks!!

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