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Question for cobaltblue

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Posted by dib on April 26, 2003 at 12:31:16:

In Reply to: Question for cobaltblue posted by cobaltblue on April 25, 2003 at 16:30:06:

Thanks, I will e-mail Ken and the link is great, the designs are a great source of inspiration.
Thanks again,

:Hello again,
:Moss isn't listed on his website. You'll most likely have to contact him by email or if Ken is reading this he can tell you. Also, i don't know the scientific name of the moss, i wish I knew as well. But i believe it's local to where Ken resides. I also like java moss, you can give that a try if you are unable to find the moss.

:I get some design inspiration from this site.




::I went on their site and it's not there. Do you know the latin or common name of that moss. I really like it because as you mentioned it looks more like jungle. I have to shop in Montreal, Quebec for it so it would be great if you could give me a more specific name for it.

::Thanks, Diane
:::Hi Diane!

:::I got the moss from Ken D. at The moss from T&C and BlackJungle appeared too domestic for me (looks like something you'd find in coniferous forests), so I decided to go with the moss from Ken as it looked more jungle-like. This type of moss also needs more care than the pillow moss. FYI: My substrate layer includes the following: Coco-liner (fit to the dim. of the bottom of the tank), SuperSoil, then the live-moss. I don't use false-bottoms, or all-gravel setups. Hope this helps.


::::Hi, I was just looking at your pics, there are great. I was wondering what kind of moss or grass or whatever you are using as the top layer in your tank.





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