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Another river, different material

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Posted by kyle1745 on April 23, 2003 at 20:39:31:

In Reply to: Another river, different material posted by Slaytonp on April 23, 2003 at 16:28:20:

Nice, is it possible to color the clay?


:I just finished building a waterway and falls from Winterstone. This works like clay and dries without firing. It does need sealing to be absolutely waterproof, however. I sculpted it in several layers over an armature of scultor's mesh and burlap with a base of fine damp sand, but there are several ways to do this, including simply molding it like clay. It's white, but can be tinted with powdered tints or painted later.

:The project isn't yet finished. I'm adding rocks to the falls and stream.

:The fountain pump is located in the pool under the volcanic rock. The entire thing is self-contained. The water pumps from the pool with two outlets, one over falls on the left and the other into the stream at the right. After testing, any leaks or corrections can be made with more of the Winterstone as it adheres to itself and nearly everything else very well.

:Now, I'll see if I can add the images, klutz that I am.

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