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Posted by eric adrignola on May 06, 2003 at 22:52:39:

In Reply to: Hmmmm posted by ALanolis on May 06, 2003 at 16:26:19:

I'm a chameleon person, that's why I was so interested in this thing. It was way back in around 93 when I saw it. This thing just did not seem right. It was, initially nothing special, looked like on of those large, carribean species you see around a lot at shows these days. he was about 8 inches long, pretty normal looking. Until you looked close. The digits were separatedinto two bundles, like a chameleon, only they remained single digits. The wrist was very flexible, just like a chameleon, the tail grasped, and wrapped around things--not tightly, but it had good control over it. It moved slow, and made quick lunges at insects-nabbing them with it's tongue sticking out(it didn't stick out very far, but it's use is interesting). It's hard to describe it--I remember it was weird, because it was the shape of an anole, but it CLIMBEB through the branches very deliberatly, GRABBING each branch, not hopping blindly.
Eric A

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