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Congrats on the new snake!!!!

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Posted by JDM on February 05, 2003 at 19:48:36:

In Reply to: He's definitely a snake... posted by Finnigan on February 04, 2003 at 23:20:19:

Gray Banded Kings are very popular and rightly so. I am sure your research will take you to their natural chihuahuan desert habitat where you will discover that most of the founding breeder stock came from or near "road cuts" in West Texas. Alterna are mostly if not exclusively nocturnal in the wild, but will (in my experience) be active during daylight in the vivarium. I would give them some rocks and possibly even create some sort of rock crevice for it to hide in. In the wild, they can often be seen climbing on steep rocky grades and supposedly hide out in the rock crevices during the day. They are very much prone to eating lizards in the wild, so hopefully you have an animal that has already adjusted to eating prekilled domestic mice. I would, like with most snakes, keep them in a very secure enclosure with plenty of hiding spaces and have a warm end (in the mid 80's) at ONE end of the cage and hopefully your cool end will get down into the mid to low 70's. They are extremely beautiful and variable and make excellent captives. I would feed it once per week (although some would think that every 10 days would be better, I like to keep mine a little meaty). Searching this forum will probably answer most if not all of your questions. This forum is generally very slow during this time of the year, but should pick up quite a bit during the summer as we are all posting the results of our feild trips to alterna land!

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