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Re: This is the ever popular, I can't feed my gray band snakes

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Posted by theMAC on October 03, 2002 at 13:16:29:

In Reply to: Re: This is the ever popular, I can\'t feed my gray band snakes posted by brad anderson on September 25, 2002 at 14:32:06:

ok, I recently purchased a handsome neonate alterna from a guy at a herp show who assured me it was eating pinkies.
I set it up like all my other kings and milks and let it settle in. Then I gave it a nice pinky, just like I do the other 5 babies (pyros, corns, andeans)...nuthin... I went and read bob applegates site and tryed washing the pinkies. nuthin Then I tryed the pinky brain thing....nuthin After 2 weeks the baby shed. Still no eating....2 weeks later I finally went to the pile of pallets behind where I work and clubbed a lizard (sorry peta). I took scissors and snippe doff th ehead and tail and legs and rubbed the blood all over a fully thawed and washed pinky. it ate the lizard torso AND the pinky. 1 week later I tryed a regular pinky (washed) and it ignored it. So I repeated the lizard trick and offered it both to eat and it ate both again. I have since put several lizards in the freezer. I am assured that if I will continue to try a washed pinky first and then a pinky covered in lizard blood (I will stop putting in the lizards now that I am not worried about it starving) that will eventually take the pinky with no lizard blood or washing.
So, take heart. I waited 4 weeks to try the lizard trick and I should have done it first.

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