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Re: Interpreting CITES

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Posted by Roy Stockwell on January 20, 2003 at 01:09:48:

In Reply to: Re: Interpreting CITES posted by DaniM on January 15, 2003 at 16:58:33:

Some breeders use ID numbers simply to track their charges and identify lineage. Are you even sure these "numbers" on your receipt have anything to do with CITES?
Original CITES export numbers should be traceable with some work. You would first have to know the country of issue, and contact the CITES administrator there.

It shouldn't be hard to guess at the origin of your P. Regius
To start with CITES would only be relevent to an imported specimen. If it was indeed imported, then it is probably
a Togo Captive Hatched, if it's a hatchling, or a wild caught if it's an adult. They are imported by the thousands every year from both Togo and Ghana.
They land in quantity at only a few bucks each, then they are jobbed out to various wholesalers and eventually the pet trade.

If the snake was captive produced domestically in the US, there would be no CITES reference unless the breeder was making reference to the founder stock
and this is highly unlikely

:No, I don't have the actual document. I just have the its "ID" written down on the sales receipt. Is there a way of knowing it from these numbers/letters without the document itself?

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