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I tend to side with FR. Sound like you wanna bust somebody!!

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Posted by Snakey on September 27, 2002 at 23:11:59:

In Reply to: Bengal monitor appendix 1 protection and reporting neglect posted by bengalensis on September 26, 2002 at 22:34:57:

:I work at a zoo where we have a group of 6 Bengals that were confinscated about 7 months ago. The thing that concerns me is that NOTHING is being done with these animals and although they should be on top priority to be relocated, our facility does not exactly have the animals best interests in mind, so nothing has been done(they are currently housed in wire cages, no direct heat source, and direct light for only a few hours a day). The politics here are saddening. example: our dwarf chinese crocodile has been without heat for close to two years. We feed it 1-2 times a years because he cannot digest food normally due to lack of heat. The reason is, it would cost more to install a heating system than the estimated monetary value of public interest in the exhibit. Although the zoo does do great things for some of our cats, primates, and birds, there is definate neglect in the reptile dept. I am aware that Bengals are on appendix 1. How is this regulation applied in the protection of a species? What can someone in my position do?
:Any inforamtion, advice or leads to helpful rescources would be greatly appreaciated.
:thank you

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