Cliff Chirping Frog
Syrrophus marnocki

Description:  These are small common frogs that live in rock crevices most of their lives.  They are usually smaller than 1 1/2" in total length, have a greenish-yellow dorsal color with scattered black spots, large eyes, and unwebbed feet.  Their called are usually a single high-pitched chirp similar to that made by a cricket.  They are often parasitized by small red mites which bury themselves in their skin.  They do not come to water to breed, laying eggs that develop directly into small froglets.  Their entire lives are spent in rock crevices, except on rainy nights when they come out to feed and move from crevice to crevice.

Habitat:  This species occurs primarily in rocky limestone canyons. 

Distribution:  This species occurs throughout the Texas Hill Country, from San Antonio and Austin westward to the vicinity of Sanderson.  It is found throughout the Nueces Canyon in rocky areas.

Abundance:  fairly common in our area but rarely seen

Conservation Status:  common where they occur and their status is secure.

Comments:  For such a common frog, most people that live in the area are unfamiliar with it.  Taxonomically, this frog has recently been shifted from genus to genus, starting in Syrrophus, then moved to the genus Eleutherodactylus, and currently recognized again as a member of the genus Syrrophus.