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July 1999 Summary

Table of Contents
  • General Summary Statistics
  • Visitor Profile by Origin
  • Top Requested Files
  • Activity by File Content
  • Host Report
  • Top Visitors Countries/Zones
  • Activity by Hour of Day
  • Activity by Day of Week
  • Peak Day of the Week by Hits
  • Top Referring URLs/Sites
  • Top Visitor Browsers
  • Top Visitor Platforms
  • Glossary

  • General Summary Statistics

    Item NameValue
    Total number of days31
    Start TimeJuly 01, 1999 03:43:04
    End TimeJuly 31, 1999 03:52:01
    Total number of requests5.37127e+006
    Log parsing error count3284
    Average requests per day173267
    Total number of visits412841
    Average visits per day13317
    Total number of visitors365655
    Average visitors per day11795
    Most active hour of the day21:00
    Most active day of the weekThu
    Total bytes transferred119686275988
    Average bytes transferred per visit289908
    Average bytes transferred per day-434119683
    Requests from domestic visitors4484147
    Requests from international visitors350711
    Requests from unknown visitors536414
    Log FileC:\logs\july99\kingsnake-access.log.gz (Bytes 108297954)

    Visitor Profile by Origin

    Domestic Visitors4484147
    Unknown Visitors536414
    International Visitors350711

    Top Requested Files

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    /forum/tortoise/Not SelectedText/HTML0 6390 1.03 1237174.53

    Activity by File Content

    File Content TypeRequests

    Host Report

    Host NameRequestsSize (KB)Visits%Visits%Requests%Size
    yggdrasil.richnet.net1056 27792.29 29 0.01 0.02 0.02
    yellow.javanet.com1412 18685.23 142 0.03 0.03 0.02 6442.86 16 0.00 0.00 0.01 26763.35 13 0.00 0.03 0.02
    yak-p2-9.wolfenet.com10 128.20 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    xyp144p6.navix.net277 2636.05 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    xio.cchem.berkeley.edu1468 16312.32 20 0.00 0.03 0.01
    www11.btx.dtag.de1771 32774.78 5 0.00 0.03 0.03
    www.vhikits.com1905 47273.83 27 0.01 0.04 0.04
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    ws2.pon.net431 22891.15 2 0.00 0.01 0.02
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    wla2-42.wla.access1.net536 9433.45 1 0.00 0.01 0.01
    wks-213-080.kscable.com1528 19529.61 13 0.00 0.03 0.02
    wks-213-033.kscable.com730 10936.07 5 0.00 0.01 0.01
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    vp216-13.worldonline.nl1362 3778.63 1 0.00 0.03 0.00
    voltaire.excite.com5 121.48 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    vetmedpc1.mayo.edu584 13382.96 11 0.00 0.01 0.01
    vacproxy.vermontamerican.com1069 53858.58 48 0.01 0.02 0.04
    usr10-018.tca.net253 1618.76 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    usr02-s56.interpac.net328 2911.81 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    usr-az-81.rmci.net373 9552.95 2 0.00 0.01 0.01
    usersc185.videon.wave.ca5622 184855.58 115 0.03 0.10 0.15
    user144.torchlake.com387 5128.21 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user026.sceinet.com204 1636.69 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    user024.sceinet.com423 4954.65 2 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user.dbm.com253 2815.69 4 0.00 0.00 0.00
    user-38ldi4i.dialup.mindspring.com547 2686.03 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-38ld3q0.dialup.mindspring.com311 4078.82 3 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-38lcpve.dialup.mindspring.com330 4694.41 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-38lcpub.dialup.mindspring.com255 3059.95 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    user-38lcf55.dialup.mindspring.com282 2993.36 2 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-33qtmfl.dialup.mindspring.com321 3382.70 3 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-2ivf54i.dialup.mindspring.com272 5422.81 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-2ivevgd.dialup.mindspring.com287 3035.35 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-2ivev0j.dialup.mindspring.com437 4834.05 2 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-2iveua4.dialup.mindspring.com278 3936.40 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-2iveu19.dialup.mindspring.com359 3264.08 2 0.00 0.01 0.00
    user-2iveu0c.dialup.mindspring.com410 4746.77 2 0.00 0.01 0.00 46909.40 50 0.01 0.03 0.04
    unitedtech-bh.carrier.utc.com2215 113340.25 58 0.01 0.04 0.09
    tylrb102-33.splitrock.net272 6417.69 3 0.00 0.01 0.01 7453.61 14 0.00 0.01 0.01
    tuc87.dakotacom.net816 7447.65 1 0.00 0.02 0.01
    tspsl1-474.gate.net437 9932.30 2 0.00 0.01 0.01
    tspsl1-322.gate.net348 9219.68 2 0.00 0.01 0.01
    tspsl1-24.gate.net314 6610.63 2 0.00 0.01 0.01
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    ts14-131.ctaz.com344 4304.57 3 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts1-2.washington.custom.net303 5063.05 10 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts049.tpe.ttn.net308 3881.41 2 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts04-172.ctaz.com563 4792.44 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts04-165.ctaz.com387 3955.87 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts031d01.det-mi.concentric.net255 5361.28 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    ts019d19.phe-pa.concentric.net246 4063.56 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    ts018d10.phe-pa.concentric.net264 3474.07 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    ts012.tpe.ttn.net344 3299.87 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts01-45.ctaz.com241 1898.07 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    ts007d31.phe-pa.concentric.net367 6652.19 1 0.00 0.01 0.01
    ts006d29.stp-fl.concentric.net604 2395.53 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts002d43.por-or.concentric.net13 86.10 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    ts002d32.stp-fl.concentric.net632 3884.01 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    ts001d30.stp-fl.concentric.net2638 14344.31 1 0.00 0.05 0.01 5875.21 4 0.00 0.01 0.00 1.66 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    tqh-usr-ppp-43.fullnet.net250 5312.22 2 0.00 0.00 0.00
    tower.ti.com534 10737.75 11 0.00 0.01 0.01
    tole-cache.dial.bright.net253 7233.96 15 0.00 0.00 0.01
    tnt9-216-180-17-248.dialup.hiwaay.net269 4244.49 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    tnt070.thequest.net514 7437.22 1 0.00 0.01 0.01
    tnt030.thequest.net328 5280.27 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    tm.worldspan.com2557 27436.56 40 0.01 0.05 0.02
    tlclab-08.tamucc.edu1726 25091.17 9 0.00 0.03 0.02
    tl6-218-002.tca.net594 9894.86 10 0.00 0.01 0.01
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    thera.worldcontrol.org653 4191.41 1 0.00 0.01 0.00

    Top Visitors Countries/Zones

    NETNetwork2088065 38.87 170246 41.24
    COMUS Commercial2042695 38.03 166770 40.40
    UnknownUnknown536414 9.99 30695 7.44
    EDUUS Educational225820 4.20 9447 2.29
    CACanada85798 1.60 4599 1.11
    ORGNon-Profit Organization47440 0.88 2098 0.51
    UKUnited Kingdom40815 0.76 6195 1.50
    USUnited States35140 0.65 2891 0.70
    SESweden30921 0.58 1621 0.39
    ITItaly29987 0.56 2021 0.49
    AUAustralia29951 0.56 2891 0.70
    GOVUS Government22940 0.43 1375 0.33
    MILUS Military21324 0.40 1508 0.37
    NLNetherlands18564 0.35 839 0.20
    DEGermany14011 0.26 993 0.24
    ILIsrael8061 0.15 403 0.10
    FIFinland7955 0.15 409 0.10
    CHSwitzerland6464 0.12 769 0.19
    JPJapan5744 0.11 481 0.12
    DKDenmark5600 0.10 305 0.07
    BEBelgium5133 0.10 272 0.07
    FRFrance4946 0.09 397 0.10
    CZCzech Republic4883 0.09 178 0.04
    BRBrazil4747 0.09 402 0.10
    ESSpain4532 0.08 383 0.09
    ZASouth Africa3931 0.07 252 0.06
    THThailand3340 0.06 124 0.03
    SGSingapore3156 0.06 383 0.09
    NONorway3076 0.06 166 0.04
    IDIndonesia2741 0.05 152 0.04
    HRCroatia (Hrvatska)2245 0.04 108 0.03
    PLPoland2241 0.04 67 0.02
    MXMexico2217 0.04 231 0.06
    MYMalaysia2171 0.04 298 0.07
    AEUnited Arab Emirates2006 0.04 954 0.23
    HUHungary1941 0.04 86 0.02
    PTPortugal1751 0.03 73 0.02
    NZNew Zealand (Aotearoa)1657 0.03 245 0.06
    ATAustria1332 0.02 109 0.03
    ARArgentina1026 0.02 149 0.04
    IEIreland734 0.01 64 0.02
    ARPAOld style Arpanet715 0.01 37 0.01
    HKHong Kong677 0.01 151 0.04
    PHPhilippines476 0.01 92 0.02
    PEPeru406 0.01 30 0.01
    KRKorea (South)397 0.01 130 0.03
    MGMadagascar356 0.01 7 0.00
    UYUruguay353 0.01 26 0.01
    SISlovenia307 0.01 25 0.01
    SASaudi Arabia296 0.01 129 0.03

    Activity by Hour of Day

    Hour of DayRequests%RequestsAvg. RequestsSize (KB)%SizeAvg. Size
    12:00 AM200310 3.73 6677 4675524.20 3.91 155850806
    01:00 AM145506 2.71 4850 3419522.62 2.86 113984087
    02:00 AM109325 2.04 3644 2430744.72 2.03 81024823
    03:00 AM83293 1.55 2686 1700643.97 1.42 54859482
    04:00 AM77553 1.44 2585 1653883.13 1.38 55129437
    05:00 AM73720 1.37 2457 1627708.94 1.36 54256964
    06:00 AM101670 1.89 3389 2256949.64 1.89 75231654
    07:00 AM148844 2.77 4961 3266937.10 2.73 108897903
    08:00 AM196458 3.66 6548 4383380.92 3.66 146112697
    09:00 AM220222 4.10 7340 4892193.75 4.09 163073124
    10:00 AM237736 4.43 7924 5292779.23 4.42 176425974
    11:00 AM271147 5.05 9038 6064164.59 5.07 202138819
    12:00 PM273409 5.09 9113 6189433.96 5.17 206314465
    01:00 PM284032 5.29 9467 6221724.87 5.20 207390829
    02:00 PM294815 5.49 9827 6401349.51 5.35 213378316
    03:00 PM291673 5.43 9722 6430117.73 5.37 214337257
    04:00 PM302238 5.63 10074 6750096.93 5.64 225003230
    05:00 PM293282 5.46 9776 6564667.97 5.48 218822265
    06:00 PM283013 5.27 9433 6308466.57 5.27 210282218
    07:00 PM286701 5.34 9556 6516294.52 5.44 217209817
    08:00 PM305190 5.68 10173 6741097.24 5.63 224703241
    09:00 PM316599 5.89 10553 7071660.82 5.91 235722027
    10:00 PM312545 5.82 10418 6929105.08 5.79 230970169
    11:00 PM261991 4.88 8733 5897828.00 4.93 196594266
    Total5371272100.00178944 (7456*)119686275.99100.003987713870 (166154745*)
    * This figure indicates the average of the values listed.

    Activity by Day of Week

    DayRequests%RequestsAvg. RequestsSize (KB)%SizeAvg. SizeVisits%Visits
    Sunday626400 11.66 156600 13972522.27 11.67 3493130567 49865 12.08
    Monday756376 14.08 189094 16737970.24 13.98 4184492560 59081 14.31
    Tuesday796198 14.82 199049 17508095.77 14.63 82056647 60455 14.64
    Wednesday786166 14.64 196541 17397163.21 14.54 54323506 59738 14.47
    Thursday930294 17.32 186058 20921217.84 17.48 4184243568 68727 16.65
    Friday877385 16.33 175477 19712550.28 16.47 3942510056 67916 16.45
    Saturday598453 11.14 119690 13436756.37 11.23 2687351273 47059 11.40
    Total5371272100.001222509 (174644*)119686275.99100.00-2846728303 (-406675472*)412841100.00
    * This figure indicates the average of the values listed.

    Peak Day of the Week by Hits

    Access WeekAccess DateRequestsSize (KB)
    Week of 07/25/9907/27/99201777 4914739.39
    Week of 07/18/9907/21/99212361 4355327.55
    Week of 07/11/9907/13/99197989 4122802.00
    Week of 07/04/9907/06/99194434 4129514.94
    Week of 06/27/9907/02/99176089 3867387.32

    Top Referring URLs/Sites

    Referring DocumentRequests

    Top Visitor Browsers

    Browser TypeRequests
    Microsoft Internet Explorer3384535
    Netscape 4.x1472063
    Netscape 3.x263824
    Other Netscape Compatible61657
    Architext Spider39071
    Netscape 2.x25431
    Netscape 1.x1297

    Top Visitor Platforms

    Platform TypeRequests
    Windows NT381776
    Windows 952406284
    Windows 3.149021
    Windows (version unavailable)1555486


    Bandwidth: The number of bytes used in transmitting WWW site's content. NetIntellect doesn't include TCP/IP overhead or the actual browser requests with in its bandwidth counts because these values are not logged.

    Caching: The procedure whereby a WWW site's content is uploaded by a service (e.g. AOL) or organization (e.g. a company). This allows the data to be served to the users more efficiently and quickly. However, the content provider (site) will not receive any hits from users who unknowingly receive cached data.

    Directory: World Wide Web pages consist of varying files. These files are often set up in a directory structure, resembling "tree branches". Directories are usually structured to keep similar topics within a specifically named directory. For example, all news reports may be stored in a directory such as /Web_site/news/

    Geography: The continent, country, region, state, city, and Zip code are based on an organization's Internet domain registration. Only Internet domains found within the NetIntellect Organizational database are included within region, state, city, and Zip code analyses. Each Internet domain is associated with only one Zip code, so all users from a domain used in multiple locations are considered to be at one location.

    Home Page: The HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) page a user sees upon initial log-in.

    Organization: A commercial, academic, nonprofit, government, or military entity that connects users to the Internet, identified by an entity's Internet domains. Using the NetIntellect's Organizational database, NetIntellect groups together all domains registered to the same organization as one organization.

    Page (HTML) Request: The act of a user directing the Web Browser to "get" a page from a site, and the transmittal of that page to the user. An HTML page may include text, graphics, JAVA applets, and other elements. A page can be formatted in many ways, and includes links to other HTML pages both within the site or elsewhere on the Internet. Page requests are not a measurement of hits. Page requests do not include hits to images. Page requests do not include component pages of a frame unless directly requested. Local usage is not included in the counts of page requests reported herein.

    Time Zone: World Wide Web servers record all requests in local time where the server is located. The server does not record the users' local time.

    User: Anyone who visits the site at least once.

    Visit (User Session): A series of consecutive requests from a user to an Internet site. If the log files include referrer data, then new visits begin with referring links external to the Internet site. Regardless of whether or not you have referrer data, if a user doesn't make a request for 30 minutes (if you define the visit as 30 minutes), the previous series of requests is considered a completed visit.

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